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How to Create Cooperations?

This is how you can create Influencer Cooperations ( Influencer Campaigns).

Dennis avatar
Written by Dennis
Updated over 7 months ago

Influencer Cooperations within Tracify reflect e.g. Posts, Stories, Livestreams, etc. which your Influencer does for you.

Creating an Influencer Cooperation

Everywhere you need to take action or input information is marked in red.

  1. Click on "Add Cooperation" or use the 🀝 button next to the Influencer

  2. Make sure the correct Influencer for the Cooperation you want to create is selected

  3. Name the Cooperation in Tracify

    Give it a meaningful name, so you can separate different Cooperations you intend to do with your Influencer.

  4. Add the date when the posting is planned to be published (e.g. Instagram Story)

    The date can also be modified afterward in case the posting date changes.

  5. Select the type of the placement

    The selectable placements depend on the connected platforms of the Influencer.

  6. Add Labels to the cooperation

    With labels you can cluster your cooperations. Simply separate multiple labels with a comma.

  7. Add the Fixed commission (cost of the cooperation)

This Fixed commission is going to be allocated as a cost to the Date of the Cooperation.
If there is no Fixed commission within the respective Cooperation, type 0.

8. Put in a Variable commission per order (optional)

You have the option to pay your Influencer performance-based, based on Tracify's tracking & attribution data, with a Variable commission. You can choose between a percentage share of the order amount ("%" from the selector) or a fixed amount the Influencer gets paid per order placed ("€" from the selector).
The cost of the Variable commission is going to be allocated to the Date of the Order.
If there is no Variable commission per order within the respective Cooperation, type 0.

9. To finish the Cooperation, click on "Create" or "Create & Generate Link"

By clicking on the "Create & Generate Link" button, the Cooperation will be created, and you can proceed with setting up the link for the cooperation. All the necessary steps for that can be found here.

Click the "Create" button, if you just want to create the cooperation and don't want to create a tracking link for your Influencer, yet.

What's next?

Read this article to understand how to automatically create tracking links for your Influencer Cooperation!

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